Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy

Digital Superhighway and Creative Economy

Kenya has invested heavily in ICT infrastructure and services over the last two decades. This infrastructure includes six submarine fiber-optic cables offering broadband connectivity, 9000km of terrestrial fiber-optic cable connecting virtually all country headquarters, and geographical and population mobile broadband coverage of 56 percent of the 96 percent respectively. Mobile telephone penetration and innovation have enabled Kenya to increase from a quarter to over 80 percent of the population in less than two decades, making Kenya one of the world’s leading users of mobile payments.

Kenya is one of the world leaders in driving financial inclusion through the use of digital finance solutions. The government has built ecosystems that facilitate transactions nationally, regionally, and globally.

The digital superhighway will also play a critical role in enabling us to make tremendous achievements in the other four pillars of Health, Agriculture, MSME, and Financing as well as in enhancing revenue collection via the automation of VAT systems.

Universal broadband availability throughout the country within five years. The government will increase and fast-track broadband connectivity across the country by construction of 100,000km of national fiber optic connectivity network;

Enhance government service delivery through digitization and automation of all government critical processes and make available 80 percent of government services online;

Kenya Accreditation Service provides certification accreditation based on ISO 27001 for information security. The Standard stipulates requirements for establishing, implementing, monitoring, and improving ISMS – this helps organisations to counter threats of data theft and damage. KENAS has accreditation schemes such testing, inspection and certification to provide added assurance and credibility for ICT companies.

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