KENAS engages independent technical accessors from time to time for assessment activities Thank you for your inquiry about Assessor opportunities. We are continuously looking to expand our pool of Assessors and Technical Experts in different areas of conformity assessment activities to deliver robust assessments.

Who is a technical assessor?

A technical assessor is an expert within a technical aspect of an accreditation area. He/she assesses if the conformity assessment body meets the applicable accreditation requirements. A technical assessor can come from the public and private sectors and must have very high professional qualifications.

Becoming an assessor offers a unique professional opportunity to expand one’s skills and career by being trained on assessment techniques and applying them to diverse organizational settings. As a KENAS Assessor, you will be engaged (by contract) on a need basis and a day-rate basis depending on the demands of our clients.

The role of an assessor?

This involves planning, undertaking assessments, and reporting and including leading accreditation assessment work for a broad range of conformity assessment activities.

How to become KENAS Assessor

Medical Laboratories Qualifications

  • Education - Diploma or Degree in medical laboratory sciences in medical laboratory related fields for specialized persons (medical microbiology, clinical chemistry, molecular biology)
    Registration with relevant regulator and or professional body as applicable.
  • Work Experience - Three years’ hands on Experience in the relevant medical testing fields.
  • Training - Assessor training in ISO 15189 and its application in specific fields of medical laboratory testing and passing post training examination
    - Demonstrated knowledge of the regulatory requirements in the medical laboratory fields.
    - Assessing traceability and measurement uncertainties and method validations related to medical testing.
  • Assessment Experience - Successful participation in 2 KENAS assessment, one as an observer and the other as a trainee assessor
    Successful participation in at least 5 assessments as a technical assessor
    At least one successful onsite monitoring as a technical assessor including demonstrated assessor attributes.

  • Language Proficiency - Proficiency in English and Swahili languages Knowledge of French? is encouraged

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills- Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in English.

Calibration /Testing Laboratories Qualifications

  • Education and Qualification - Diploma or degree in relevant science field.
    Registration with relevant regulator and or professional body as applicable.
  • Work Experience - Three years hands on experience in a testing and/or calibration laboratories.
  • Training - Assessor training in on ISO/IEC17025 and its application in specific fields of testing and calibration and passing post training examination
    • Knowledge in calibration and traceability of measurements and uncertainties
    • Assessing competence of testing and calibration laboratories in forming opinions and interpretations
    • Demonstrated knowledge of the regulatory requirements in the general testing & calibration fields.
  • Assessment Experience - Successful participation in 2 KENAS assessment, one as an observer and the other as a trainee assessor
    • Successful participation in at least 5 assessments as a technical assessor
    • At least one successful onsite monitoring as a technical assessor including demonstrated assessor attributes.

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills- Proficiency in English and Swahili languages Knowledge of French is encouraged.
    Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in English
  • Requirements for Accreditation- Basic knowledge of KENAS accreditation process, policies and inspection scheme requirements.
  • Assessor Attributes- Demonstrated personal attributes: ethical, open minded, diplomatic, observant, perceptive, versatile, tenacious, decisive, self-reliant per ISO 19011 and ILAC assessor training requirements

Certification Qualifications

  • Education and Qualification - Diploma or degree in relevant science field.
    Registration with relevant regulator and or professional body as applicable.
  • Work Experience - - Three years hands on experience in the relevant technical cluster
  • Training - Assessor training on the conformity assessment standard EMS, QMS, FMS… and passing post training examination
    • Demonstrated knowledge of the regulatory requirements in the fields
  • Assessment Experience - Successful participation in 2 KENAS assessment, one as an observer and the other as a trainee assessor
    • Demonstrated competence in IAF MD17-Technical clusters
    • Successful participation in at least 5 assessments as a technical assessor
    • At least one successful onsite monitoring as a technical assessor including demonstrated assessor attributes
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills- Proficiency in English and Swahili languages Knowledge of French is encouraged.
    Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in English
  • Requirements for Accreditation- - Basic knowledge of KENAS accreditation process, policies and inspection scheme requirements
  • Assessor Attributes- Demonstrated personal attributes: ethical, open minded, diplomatic, observant, perceptive, versatile, tenacious, decisive, self-reliant per ISO 19011 and ILAC assessor training requirements

Proficiency Testing Qualifications

  • Education and Qualification - Diploma or degree in relevant science field.
    Registration with relevant regulator and or professional body as applicable.
  • Work Experience - Three years’ hands on Experience in the relevant medical testing fields
  • Training - Assessor training in on ISO/IEC17025 and its application in specific fields of testing and calibration and passing post training examination
    • Knowledge in calibration and traceability of measurements and uncertainties
    • Assessing competence of testing and calibration laboratories in forming opinions and interpretations
    • Demonstrated knowledge of the regulatory requirements in the general testing & calibration fields.
  • Assessment Experience - Successful participation in 2 KENAS assessment, one as an observer and the other as a trainee assessor
    • Successful participation in at least 5 assessments as a technical assessor
    • At least one successful onsite monitoring as a technical assessor including demonstrated assessor attributes
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills- Proficiency in English and Swahili languages Knowledge of French is encouraged.
    Demonstrated oral and written communication skills in English
  • Requirements for Accreditation- Basic knowledge of KENAS accreditation process, policies and inspection scheme requirements.
  • Assessor Attributes- Demonstrated personal attributes: ethical, open minded, diplomatic, observant, perceptive, versatile, tenacious, decisive, self-reliant per ISO 19011 and ILAC
    assessor training requirements
NB - If you are interested in being an Assessor or Technical Expert and possess relevant qualifications and technical expertise, please submit your application by sending your Curriculum Vitae and documents to [email protected]

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